But no matter how much I attack, she still gives me a glowing report at the end of the ride. Mostly she just gets in my way and then acts all offended that I’m blowing chunks out of her canopy and engines. My wingman, Spirit, makes the occasional kill as well.

The ship I’m flying has all of the defensive capabilities of a TIE fighter and is armed with a blaster cannon that shoots (as far as I can tell) dodge balls, two missiles that do nothing unless you fire them at point-blank range, and a single heat-seeker missile that is good for a kill. I acquit myself during these fights, taking down two “hairballs” in the mission where I finally succeed. Sure, it would probably be easier to buy a joystick but this is not 1990 and I am not that kind of guy. At least those are kind of exciting, even if it requires a lot of patience and fine motor control to line up the right shots. OK, so the first mission involves flying around to several waypoints, two of which involve fights and the other two involve navigating asteroid fields. Oh the taunting! I forgot they taunted you! I was grinning at that, which probably threw off the Kilrathi pilot who is Snapchatting with me there. But at the end of it, I walked away knowing a lot more of the commands and could actually fight worth something. It’s definitely not a cakewalk tutorial, let’s just say. I think it took me six tries? You die once during it (which is surprisingly easy to do) and you have to start all over again. So this was a very instructional session with the game as I ran the first mission over… and over… and over… and over again. Yup, that’s the kind of hero I am - the rebel that dares to daydream during an important mission briefing! I also looked up some of the keyboard commands so that I’m not a total star noob (maybe one day I’ll be a citizen?). I’m back in the cockpit as Ace Acerton, Space Ace, after a few days off and some tweaking to the game’s DOSbox settings that I found in this guide.
You can follow the entire series on the Nostalgia Lane page.) (This is part of my journey playing through Wing Commander.